汉语学习 Chinese Learning

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Study in CCIBE -- Chinese Language(Chinese Culture) Training Program
来源: 编辑:国际交流合作处 发布时间:2024-09-01 点击数:

Study in CCIBE 

Chinese Language (Chinese Culture) Training Program

Chinese Language (Chinese Culture) Training Program focuses on Chinese language and related

Chinese culture, elective courses of economics, engineering (data science and big data technologyartificial intelligence, etc.).

The program mode is fulltime, including on-campus study and second class (off-campus visits experiences, etc.). The duration of the program is one semester or one academic year. Application for extension of study period may be made as appropriate (the maximum duration is not more than 4 


Students who have completed the course of the Teaching program with satisfactory results will be awarded a certificate of completion.

For more detailed information, please download the following file.


  • 网址:http://gjc.ccibe.edu.cn
  • Facebook:fb.me/intemationalFTBC
  • Twitter:@FTBCofCNU
  • 联系地址:重庆市合川区学府路9号,重庆对外经贸学院国际学院办公室(图书馆A区一楼G101)